The Five Main Reasons For Needing Self-storage Space

When in a relationship, one of the last things you really want to hear is “I just need some space”. However, it is not just in relationships that from time to time we all find ourselves needing more space, though here we are talking about space for storage as opposed to space within a relationship to breathe! At Kent Storage, a modern and purpose-built self-storage complex, we did some analysis of the reasons why our customers have needed to rent one of our self-storage units. Of course, the obvious reason for most is simply because they needed more space, however, what we were more interested in was the actual circumstances. Below we have compiled a list of five of the most popular reasons for customers needing to rent a self-storage unit from us:

  • Top of the list came small businesses who needed extra storage space. For some customers, they had found it impossible to find office premises with any form of nearby storage facility either for archived documentation, product samples, display and promotional materials for exhibitions, etc. The list goes on. The one common consensus was that with such high rents for office space it made no sense to rent an extra room just to be used as storage.
  • Second on the list came small businesses who were struggling to find room to store stock. Having a shop or outlet in the middle of a town may be great for attracting customers, but again with rents for retail space as being so high, often it can become financially uneconomical to take on larger premises simply so you can have on-site storage. Self-storage in Ashford or self-storage in Chatham has helped solve this problem for a good number of retail clients.
  • Next on the list and for the next three points, our customers need for self-storage is related to domestic and property needs. What is becoming an increasingly popular trend today when people decide to sell their home because they have run out of space is to de-clutter to at least make their current home look spacious and therefore more easy to sell. While de-cluttering can be a good opportunity to get rid of a certain amount of ‘rubbish’, much of what is subsequently put into store is the reason why a new home is needed. Thus, self-storage is a great temporary solution to help people sell their home.
  • Fourth on the list is self-storage of complete households, lock, stock and two kitchen sinks included. Such circumstances can arise from a delay between the sale of one property and the purchase of a second, relocating temporarily to furnished accommodation, or even using self-storage when moving abroad, thus allowing time to do homework on the best properties available at the other end.
  • Last on the list, but still an extremely popular reason for using self storage is the fact that a good number of people live in flats or cannot afford to upgrade to a larger house, but there simply isn’t room for items such as sailboards or surfboards, mountain bikes, winter or summer clothes depending on the time of year, children’s toys that you don’t want to throw out as they grow up, and ‘stuff’ that is generally accumulated for no apparent or obvious reason. Self-storage can help avoid the downside of living in a flat or small house.
  •  Oh yes, we nearly forgot to add one other reason that will always belong on a list of needs for extra storage, and that is because you want to be able to get your car in the garage!

Here at Kent Space the list of reasons why people come to us for self-storage units is as long as your arm, but what we do know is that demand for secure and dry self-storage units that are easily accessible 24 hours a day is strong. So, if you have been thinking about a solution to your storage problems, self-storage could be the answer. Why not give us a call here at Kent space and we will be delighted to help advise you on what size storage unit you may require as we have a superb range of self-storage units that vary in size and which can meet all requirements.

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