Time for a wardrobe clear out? Clothing storage could be the perfect solution!

We’ve all been in that situation. Absolutely nothing to wear, but no space to buy new clothes. How does that even happen? Let’s face it, as much as some of us hate to admit it, it may be time for a clear out.
Not everyone will have the restraint to limit themselves to a capsule wardrobe of just 30 items so alternative storage options may be the perfect solution for anyone who isn’t quite ready for to throw clothes away.
Why Store clothes?
Choosing to keep your clothes in storage will mean that you can finally de-clutter your wardrobe, and free up a little extra space in your home. This can also be a great way to keep your wardrobe seasonal. A clothing collection may never be worn, but it should be stored and preserved correctly as you would any other collection. This is extremely important if you have a number of vintage pieces in your collection, as the fabric will already be delicate.
These are just three potential reasons why you might consider putting clothes into storage, but more than anything, it ensures that we don’t have to say a permanent goodbye to items that we just cannot bear to part with.
Looking for a clear out? Tips and Tricks
Parting with your precious collection can be a difficult process, so here are some quick tips and tricks to help you decide exactly what you need to keep. As you organise your wardrobe, we suggest you make three separate piles to help you decide what is staying, what is being stored, and what could be donated.
It’s easier said than done, we know, but the best advice we can offer is to just be brutal. Take all of your clothing out of your wardrobe, chest of drawers, and wherever else you may be storing them and lay them on your bed, floor, or a flat surface. Take some time to really look at the items individually – maybe try them on. Do they still fit? Is it damaged at all? Have you worn it in the past 12 months? Now is the time to be completely honest with yourself.
If you think you’ll struggle to cut the chord with your clothes, why not try the 30-day challenge? Place all the clothes from your wardrobe on matching hangers, and hang them all the same way in the wardrobe – hangers facing in. Whenever you wear an item – and we don’t just mean take it out to try it on – replace on the same hanger, but turn it around to face the opposite direction. Once the item has been turned around it stays that way. At the end of the month this will show you which items you wear more frequently, and which could do with being donated or stored.
Prepping for storage:
When you’ve decided which items are going into storage, it’s time to prep and pack.
Make sure that all clothing, shoes, and accessories are cleaned and polished before being packed. Avoid using cardboard boxes and plastic bags to store clothes, as these could allow moisture in which will cause damage. Plastic air-tight containers are the best option for this. Clothing should be neatly folded and packed in these containers to further avoid any moisture damage. Heavier clothing such as jumpers and coats should be packed at the bottom.
When choosing a storage location for clothing, temperature control should be a priority consideration. Bright lights will fade colours, and excessive humidity will lead to moisture damage, so ensure that there is a cool, dark, and dry area in the storage facility.
Don’t forget about those accessories, these can be easily paged up in smaller plastic containers. Again, pack these very carefully as carelessness could cause damage.
Whether you’re looking to store clothes, shoes, accessories, or household items, Kent Space provides a great range of flexible and secure self-storage in Ashford and Chatham. You’ll have access to your items 24/7, and can store for as little as two weeks. Visit Kentspace website for more information on our fantastic storage facility.

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